


Modeling Learning School: An Approach of Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis




黃芳銘(Fang-Ming Hwang);溫福星(Fur-Hsing Wen)


多層次驗證性因素分折 ; 學習型學校 ; learning school ; multilevel confirmatory factor analysis




54卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


197 - 222






This study attempts to use the statistical techniques of multilevel confirmatory factor analysis to model the measurement of learning school. The analyses follow the four initial steps proposed by Muthèn: conventional CFA of total structure, estimation of between-group variation, estimation of within-group structure, and estimation of between-group structure. Then, the outcome of these analyses is used to specify the MCFA model. The results showed that the variation in the latent construct exist at both teacher and school levels. The constructs of five disciplines proposed by Senge showed different in these two levels. It has a five-factor structure in the school level, but four in the teacher level. Obviously, the model of learning school is a hierarchical system of individual and group. That is, it has multilevel characteristics in itself. It is none of use to use conventional statistical techniques to deal with this kind of data. Thus, the best analytical strategy is to use the technique of multilevel modeling. Using this technique to construct the measurement of learning school in this study indeed enhances the accuracy of the measurement.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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