The aim of this study was to develop, explore, test and modify the ”Self Evaluation Questionnaire on Wayfinding Performance.” On the purpose of constructing a performance evaluative tool for Taiwan district, despite the tests of validity and reliability, an explorative factor analysis was applied to confirm the main factors on the wayfinding performance. Additionally, the planned 3D VR (Virtual Reality) exhibition guiding film and cognitive map tests were designed for discrimination testing of the developed questionnaire. The experimental result was checked with the wayfinding factors naming, cognitive map, sense of direction, spatial memory, and familiarity, to reveal their con-elation in terms of difference and consistence. Finally, the conceptual model was presented to show the picture of the correlation of these key wayfinding factors.
There were 171 copies of questionnaires distributed, and 165 returned. The responding percentage is 96.49%. The age of subject is among 18-26, 19.69 in average, and the standard deviation is 1.36. As the outcome indicates, this developed tool possesses a good discriminative power on wayfinding performance. Moreover, it was also found that the subjects may be distinguished by survey and route wayfinding cognitive strategies, and had different performance on the other factors. Survey knowledge way-finder tend to rely more on the spatial memory factors than the others, while the route knowledge way-finder tend to rely on the sense of direction, and familiarity factors than the spatial memory.
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