The purpose of this study is to revise Riley's (1994) Stuttering Severity Instrument-3 (SSI-3) for the stuttering children aged 3 to13 years old that speak Mandarin in Taiwan. The main tasks had been accomplished as follows: 1. rewriting 6 readings in Chinese and redrawing 4 colorful pictures as stimuli for oral expression, 2. recruiting 31 preschool and 30 school-age stuttering children from four different areas according to the distribution of the population in Taiwan, 3. identifying stuttering frequency, duration, physical concomitants for establishing the normative data of the preschool and the school-age groups, separately, 4. calculating the iritra-and the inter-judge reliability that are above .998, and .93 6, 5. deriving the criterion-related validity from calculating the correlation coefficients between this instrument and The Iowa Scale for Rating Severity of Stuttering that are .98 and .95 for the two groups, respectively, and 6. deriving the significant differences between the stuttering and the nonstuttering children on the stuttering frequency, the duration, the physical concomitants and the total score by t tests. Otherwise, two group norms and stuttering severity levels (very mild, mild, moderate, severe, an d very severe) were offered.
This Revised Stuttering Severity Instrument-3 for Mandarin Speaking Children (RSSI-3MSC) may provide an objective and useful tool when researchers and therapists assess the severity of the stuttering children who speak Mandarin.
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