


Intension of Parent-Child Interaction Relationship Type and Construction of Its Scale in Pictorial Situations: Father Edition and Mother Edition




趙梅如(Mei-Ru Chao)


探索性因素分析 ; 圖畫情境測驗 ; 親子互動關係型態 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; confirmatory factor analysis ; exploratory factor analysis ; parent-child interaction relationship type ; pictorial situational test




55卷2期(2008 / 08 / 01)


213 - 246






The objective of this paper is to study the intension of parent-child interaction relationship and to construct its scale suiting to parent-child's father edition and mother edition for understanding children's communication type in parent-child interaction relationship. This scale is one of situational tests as four-point Likert-type scale. It has five thematic situations of father-child interaction relationship and six of mother-child interaction relationship. The scale has empathy, constraint, compromise, conflict, camouflage, remoteness, and defensiveness eight sub-scales as eight communicative styles of family interaction relationship. This study is based on samples from 793 children in Taiwan with reliability and validity tested. The results have shown: the scale of parentchild interaction relationship has reached satisfactory level of internal consistency reliability, tested with Cronbach's coefficients ranged from .60 to .71, and .91, .92 for overall scales, tested with composite reliability ranged from .68 to .83; this scale have a clear factorial structure through exploratory factor analysis identified eight factors. Each absolute value of factor loading is between .30~.91, and the cumulative Rsquare for this model is 43.04% of father edition, and 45.75% for mother edition. Furthermore, through the confirmatory factor analysis, this scale has shown that the theoretical model fit the observed data well.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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