


Chinese Child Development Inventory: An Updated Normative Data




柯慧貞(Huei-Chen Ko);朱倍毅(Pei-Yi Chu);陸偉明(Wei-Ming Lu);高振傑(Chen-Chieh Kao);龔毅珊(I-Shan Kung);邱郁雯(Yu-Wen Chiu);方曉喻(Hsiao-Yu Fang);林木芬(Mu-Fen Lin);胡崇元(Sou-Yen Hu)


天花板效應 ; 地板效應 ; 常模 ; 發展遲緩 ; 學齡前兒童行爲發展量表 ; ceiling effect ; Chinese Child Development Inventory CCDI ; Developmental delay ; floor effect ; Norms




55卷2期(2008 / 08 / 01)


313 - 340




本研究的目的為取樣具代表性大樣本,重新修訂徐澄清等人(1978)所編修的「學齡前兒童行為發展量表」(Chinese Child Development Inventory, CCDI)常模,並進行新、舊常模的差異比較。研究參與者乃透過分層隨機取樣取自台南市六個行政區,且依嬰幼兒月齡區分為31個年齡層,每一個年齡層隨機取樣60名,男女各半,共計取樣1,860名。結果顯示,CCDI各向度皆具有高度內部一致性與折半信度,各發展向度在不同年齡層上皆達顯著差異。而CCDI各發展向度皆具明顯的天花板效應,地板效應僅出現於概念理解中。新常模在一般發展、精細動作、概念理解、溝通表達、環境理解及身邊處理得分較舊常模高,並較早達到量表的最高分;但在粗動作與社會人際上,新常模則略落後舊常模約1至2分左右。新常模的主要計分為常態化標準分數,一般發展經直線轉換成平均數為100,標準差為15的發展分數,做為與其他標準化測驗比較依據。其餘發展向度,則經直線轉換成平均數為10,標準差為3的量表分數,做為個體內能力間的比較依據。


The present study was designed to revise the norms for the Chinese Child Development Inventory. Current norms were derived from 1,860 mentally and physically healthy children aged 6 months to 6.5 years, classified and recruited into 31 age groups by stratified random sampling in Tainan, Taiwan. The sample included 30 females and 30 males in each age group. Results showed high internal consistency and split-half reliability coefficients for the eight developmental scales. Significant differences among age groups were observed in the eight developmental scales. An obvious ceiling effect appeared in each scale, but the floor effect appeared only in the Conceptual Comprehension scale. The scores for the new norms appeared higher than that of the previous norms in the scales of General Development, Fine Motor, Conceptual Comprehension, Expressive Language, Situation Comprehension and Self Help. For the General Development scale, the distribution of raw scores in the age group was converted to a normalized standardized scale with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Additionally, for the other developmental scales, scores were converted to another normalized standardized scale with a mean of 10 and standard deviation of 3.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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