
A Study of the Personal Traits and Knowledge Base of Taiwanese Medical Students on the Instruction Effects of Problem-Based Learning






陸希平(Shi-Ping Luh);陳誠仁(Cheng-Ren Chen);林妍如(Yen-Ru Lin);余民寧(Min-Ning Yu)


背景知識 ; 個人特質 ; 問題導向學習 ; 醫學院學生 ; problem-based learning ; personal traits ; knowledge base ; medical school students




55卷2期(2008 / 08 / 01)


435 - 462




問題導向學習,是以問題為教案中心,透過以學生小組討論的方式來達成團隊學習的目標,在台灣醫學院該學習方式已行之有年。過去研究證據顯示有一些影響問題導向學習表現的因素,包括教案場景的設計、導師的特質、學生的學習努力程度等。本研究的主要動機在檢視學生的個性與知識特質如何影響其在混成式問題導向學習學程中的表現。 本研究以124位台灣中部某醫學院醫學生為調查樣本。個性評量使用自我評估44題Big-Five個性指標問卷進行調查,背景知識評量則使用過去四年大學必修課成績平均值,問題導向學習表現則使用經設計並在本研究中檢驗具合格信效度的評估表,使用同儕評估的方式進行。 每位學生在問題導向學習上的表現都會經過同組同儕的評估,我們根據樣本的研究,抽取出五個主成分,分別命名為領導/控制、協助/協調、遵守規則、思索旁觀,以及妥協。使用逐步迴歸法得知個性特質中的良知及知識水平與問題導向學習中的領導/控制特質呈現有意義的正相關;此外,個性特質中的交際性特質與問題導向學習中的遵守規則呈現有意義正相關。而個性中的肯定他人及良知與背景知識呈現有意義的正相關。 由本實驗得知,個性特質與背景知識可能會影響學生在問題導向學習中的表現。但為何交際性與問題導向學習中遵守規則的特質有正相關存在,則有些困惑難以解釋,不過既然問題導向學習中的「規則」,本含有開放心胸公開討論以及著重人際關係的成分,這樣的結果就不會顯得過於突兀。未來需要蒐集更多的樣本作進一步的驗證,而該研究的結果不僅對於問題導向學習的實施具有參考與管理價值,也可為建立發展未來生涯預測的模式打下基礎。


Problem based learning (PBL), a pedagogic concept using problems in context through student-centered and small group discussion approach, has been adopted in varying contexts for years in all medical institutes in Taiwan. Much evidence have shown that a number of factors can seriously affect student performance in PBL courses, such as the design of PBL scenarios, characters of the tutors, or the students’ attitudes and efforts. The purpose of this study is to examine how the personal traits or knowledge base of the Taiwanese medical students influence their performance on a hybrid-PBL curriculum. A total of 124 high-school entry undergraduate medical students participated in this survey. Self-assessed personal traits were presented in a 44-item questionnaire with a Big-Five factor structures. Knowledge base was assessed by the score point average (SPA) based on their previous four-year education in the medical school. Peer-assessed performance of students in PBL curriculum was carried out using a well-developed, reliable, and validated evaluation form.) Each student's PBL performance evaluated by peers can be extracted as five principal components, as control/lead, assist/coordinate, obey rules, observe/think, and compromise. The relationships among the personal traits, knowledge base, and PBL performance, as analyzed by stepwise regression, showed that conscientiousness and knowledge (i.e., SPA) were positively related to ”control/lead” trait, and extroversion was positively related to the trait of ”obey rules.” Agreeableness and conscientiousness were positively related to SPA. Knowledge base and personal traits appear to be associated with the students' performance on a hybrid-PBL curriculum. The positive correlation between the extroversion and obeying rules is puzzling, yet if might be explained in terms of the association between being sociable/assertive and the objectives of PBL spirits, which include open mindedness, and inter-personal skills. The implications of this study on the future development and the applications of this assessment tool in medical schools are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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