


The Construction of Multicultural Teaching Competencies Inventory for Teacher-Training Students




何緼琪(Yun-Chi Ho);蔡純純(Chun-Chun Cai);范德鑫(Der-Hsin Fan);張景媛(Ching-Yuan Chang)


多元文化師資培育 ; 多元文化教學能力 ; 師資生 ; multicultural teaching competencies ; multicultural teacher training ; teacher-training students




56卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


99 - 128




本研究旨在編製一份適合師資生使用的多元文化教學能力量表,以作為多元文化師資培育之課程設計、教學及研究使用。量表內容包括多元文化教學覺知、多元文化教學知識、多元文化教學技能三個分量表,題目以Likert四點量尺的形式呈現,受試者可根據題意適合自己的程度來選答。在預試方面,以262名師資生為對象,經項目分析與因素分析剔除不適合之題目,全量表共有60題。以內部一致性進行信度檢定,各分量表之Cronbach's α係數介於.77至.92,全量表為.94。研究者接著以518位師資生為對象進行差異性考驗,結果發現師資生之多元文化教學能力平均得分為2.98;以不同背景變項進行比較分析,女性、就讀教育學院,以及國小師資生之得分較高。在不同經驗變項方面,修習過多元文化相關課程實際參與文化活動、在不同國家居住或旅遊經驗,以及定期參與關懷弱勢團體活動之師資生,其多元文化教學能力較高;在人際交往經驗中,同志及身心障礙好友個數多者,其多元文化教學能力也相對較高,上述結果顯示本研究具有可以接受之效度。最後,本文提出未來在量表編製與多元文化師資培育課程之建議。


The purpose of this study is to develop a Multicultural Teaching Competencies Inventory for teacher-training students. The results of this inventory can be used for curriculum design, teaching and research. The inventory consists of three subscales: multicultural awareness, multicultural knowledge, and multicultural skills. The items were presented with 4 point Likert-type scale. The subjects could answer the questions according to the agreeableness of the literacy. 262 teacher-training students were the subjects for preparatory test. All the items were screened by item analysis and factor analysis. The whole inventory has 60 items. The Cronbach's a ranged from .77-.92, and .94 for the whole inventory. The difference validity test was took by 518 teacher-training students. The average score in Multicultural Teaching Competencies Inventory is 2.98. The female students, the students from the department of education and the elementary teacher-training students get higher scores. Compare by the individual experiences among teacher-training students, taken more multicultural courses, lived in different cultural regions, having the experience of travel, attending the activities of minority groups have higher multicultural teaching competencies. The scores are relatively higher in case of students with more friends which are gay or lesbian and handicapped. Based on these findings, the validity was acceptable. Several implications for the inventory construction and multicultural teacher training programs are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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