


The Development of Divergent Thinking Test of Word Associative Strategy (DTTWAS)




黃博聖(Po-Sheng Huang);陳學志(Hsueh-Chin Chen);黃鴻程(Hung-Chen Huang);劉政宏(Cheng-Hong Liu)


創造力 ; 詞彙聯想 ; 聯想策略 ; 擴散性思考 ; Associative Strategy ; creativity ; divergent thinking ; Word Association




56卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


153 - 177






Divergent thinking test is the most commonly used measuring tool of creative process. However, the tests nowadays have problems of only measuring certain type of fluency, which called ideational fluency, without tests of associational fluency. Therefore the aim of this research is to develop a Divergent Thinking Test of Word Associative Strategy (DTTWAS), which revises different scoring principles of Fluency, Flexibility and Originality and builds a College Norm for scoring. DTTWAS is composed of two association subtests, ”the ocean” and ”the rose”. Participants were asked to associate ”the ocean” or ”the rose” with concepts that connected and describe their relations. Through the relations, scorers could exclude the inappropriate responses. Second, in order to avoiding the influence of fluency, researcher uses weighted median to represent originality index instead of the traditional norm score. Third, flexibility score is represented by the number of associative strategies which participants use. Totally speaking, the DTTWAS can effectively measure individuals' divergent thinking ability with fair reliability and validity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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