


The Development of the Emotional and Behavioral Problems Checklist for Young Children




陳介宇(Chieh-Yu Chen);蔡昆瀛(Kuen-Ying Tsai)


幼兒 ; 早期療育 ; 情緒與行爲問題 ; 評量 ; 檢核表 ; assessment ; checklist ; early intervention ; Emotional and Behavioral Problems Checklist for Young Children ; young children




56卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


235 - 268






The purpose of this study was to develop teacher and caregiver version of screening Emotional and Behavioral Problems Checklist for Young Children. Development of the initial item pool was based on a review of relevant literatures and tools. The subject of this study samples were 539 young children (aged 2-6 years) learning in kindergartens or day-care centers in Taichung. Data used items analysis and factor analysis to delete some inadequate items, and established reliabilities and validities. Emotional and Behavioral Problems Checklist for Young Children has 65 items. It is composed of three scales, Externalizing Problems, Internalizing Problems, and Others. Internalizing Problems include Anxious, Withdrawn, Emotionally Reactive and Psychosomatic Symptoms, and Externalizing Problems include Attention-Hyperactivity and Aggressive-Defiant. The coefficient of internal consistency of Total Scale and dimensions (Cronbach's) are. 71-. 96. Content validity was established by the use of experts and explorations of documents. Construct validity was established by factor analysis. Factor analysis yielded 8 factors and 2 higher-order factors, and the total variance explained was 58.372%. According to the results, this study suggests the practical use of Emotional and Behavioral Problems Checklist for Young Children and recommends for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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