


Development of Depression Screening Scale for Children and Adolescent




張高賓(Kao-Pin Chang)


信效 ; 效度 ; 國中小學生 ; 憂鬱篩檢量表 ; children & adolescents ; depression screening scale ; validity ; reliability




56卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


269 - 294




本研究目的在藉由編製「國中小學生憂鬱篩檢量表」(以下簡稱「憂鬱篩檢量表」),以提供國中小學及社區諮商輔導機構做為實務上之應用。研究乃根據兒童及青少年憂鬱主要症狀類型來編製,以分層隨機叢集抽樣一般樣本3,468名學生、高危險群(受虐兒童及青少年)99名及門診樣本98名,共計3,665名。本研究之研究結果如下: 1.「憂鬱篩檢量表」共計34題,分為五個因素:(1)憂鬱煩躁情緒;(2)無望;(3)自尊及認知功能低;(4)身體抱怨及反應遲滯;(5)品行人際問題。 2.「憂鬱篩檢量表」提供良好的信、效度考驗。 3.切截分數為33分,超過者疑似患有憂鬱性疾患。 本研究根據研究結果與討論,針對量表之應用在實務上提出建議,並對未來研究提出進一步具體建議,供國中小學及社區諮商輔導機構或人員參酌。


The purpose of this study explore the result of the survey by developing ”Depression Screening Scale for Children and Adolescent” about domestic children & adolescent depression issue, which could provide junior high, elementary school, and community counseling & guidance institution for practical application. The samples consist of children and adolescent by using cluster sampling. There were 3,468 ordinary students in 4 districts of 33 junior high and elementary school, 99 high-risked children (abused children) and 98 outpatients. The results were summarized as follows: 1. There were 34 items in Depression Screening Scale for Children and Adolescents, separated into five factors:(1)depression-dysphoric mood; (2)hopelessness; (3)low self-esteem & cognition function; (4)somatic complaints & psychomotor retardation; (5)conduct-social problems. 2. Depression Screening Scale for Children and Adolescent provided good validity and reliability. 3. Cut score is 33, greater than 33 possibly has the depression disorder.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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