


The Development of the "Inventory of Adolescent Resilience"




詹雨臻(Yu-Chen Chan);葉玉珠(Yu-Chu Yeh);彭月茵(Yueh-Yin Peng);葉碧玲(Bi-Ling Yeh)


年級 ; 性別 ; 青少年 ; 復原力 ; 結構方程模式 ; adolescent ; gender ; grade ; resilience ; structural equation modeling




56卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


491 - 518




本研究的主要目的在發展「青少年復原力量表」(Inventory of Adolescent Resilience, IAR)。本研究以非隨機分層抽樣,共抽取904位七至九年級的學生。本研究首先以452人為預試參與者,進行項目分析、探索性因素分析及信度分析,結果共抽取出四個因素:問題解決與認知成熟、希望與樂觀、同理心與人際互動、情緒調節;總量表的Cronbach's係數為.936(共28題)。接著,本研究以另452人為正式施測參與者,進行驗證性因素分析及效標關聯效度分析,結果發現IAR 模式有合理的適配及良好的效標關聯效度,而且IAR四個因素都具有良好的組合信度與變異數平均解釋量,因此,IAR具有良好的信度與效度。此外,本研究也發現,女生在復原力的整體表現及「同理心與人際互動」的表現上優於男生,但不同年級的參與者在復原力的表現上則無差異。


The main purpose of this study was to develop the Inventory of Adolescent Resilience (IAR). Using non-random stratified sampling, this study included 904 7th to 9th graders as participants. The researchers first used 452 participants in the pretest to conduct item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and reliability analysis. Four factors were extracted, namely problem solving and cognitive maturity, hope and optimism, empathy and interpersonal interaction, and emotional regulation. The Cronbach's coefficient of the IAR was .936 (28 items). The researchers then used the other participants to conduct confirmatory factor analysis and criterion-related validity. The results suggest that the IAR has good goodness-of-fit and criterion-related validity; moreover, the four factors have good composite reliability and average variance extracted. The IAR therefore has good reliability and validity. This study also found that the girls outperformed the boys on the overall resilience as well as on ”empathy and interpersonal interaction”, but no significant differences were found among the three grade levels.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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