To prevent the items over exposure is very important to the safety of item pool. Without controlling the exposure of items, the security and fairness of the test might not be maintained. The item bank will be used efficiently if the frequencies of each item being administered were similar.
Two methods, b-stratified random selection method in the early stage of CAT and a-NN method, were proposed by this study. Through simulation studies, the effect of item exposure control on ability estimation was compared between these two methods.
The conclusions of study were:
1. The b-stratified random selection method in the early stage of CAT was found
useful on: (1) controlling the number of items that never been administered and improve the efficiency of the item pool, and (2) reducing the item exposure rates and lengthen the usage of item pool.
2. The a-NN method has better performance on: (1) reduced the exposure rate of the over exposure items in the pool effectively, (2) improved the usage of items that never administered, and (3) effectively control the exposure rate of items in the item pool, no matter in simulation item pools or real ones.
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