


A Research of the Chinese Version Beck Youth Inventories




卓淑玲(Shu-Ling Cho);洪儷瑜(Li-Yun Hung);蘇嘉鈴(Chia-Ling Su);陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen)


貝克兒童及青少年量表 ; 青少年 ; 焦慮 ; 憂鬱 ; adolescent ; anxiety ; depress ; the Beck Youth Inventories




56卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


639 - 669




近年來,結合「憂鬱」、「焦慮」、「憤怒」、「違規行為」與「自我概念」所發展的「貝克兒童情緒與社交損傷量表」(The Beck Youth Inventories of Emotional and Social Impairment,簡稱BYI)提供學校、臨床與特教人員使用單一的便利形式或多元的精確評估方式。其後的第二版BYI(以下簡稱BYI-Ⅱ)除提高原量表的適用年齡至18歲,其測量有效性亦獲實徵研究支持(Beck, Beck, Jolly, & Steer, 2005a)。雖然BYI-Ⅱ是一方便有效的自陳評估工具,但國內尚未進行此量表的中文化工作,且也未建立具代表性之BYI-Ⅱ台灣常模。鑑此,本研究旨在:(1)翻譯修訂BYI-Ⅱ中文無注音及注音題本;(2)建立BYI-II中文版台灣常模;(3)檢視BYIII中文版信效度。研究對象為台灣2,961 名小學一年級至高中三年級學生。研究結果顯示,量表信、效度為:(1)憂鬱、焦慮、憤怒、違規行為與自我概念分量表內部一致性信度皆.90以上,間隔兩週的再測信度介於.64至.81;(2)五個分量表與「兒童自我態度問卷」、「貝克焦慮量表」、「貝克憂鬱量表」(第二版)、「生氣情緒反應量表」及「教師評量表」的效標關聯效度皆達顯著;(3)驗證性因素分析顯示BYI-II 中文版模式具可接受的模式適配度;(4)以特教、臨床樣本為對照團體,特教整體受試在焦慮、憂鬱、憤怒、違規行為得分皆高於平均數50。臨床樣本上,情感失諧與注意力不足/過動組的自我概念顯著低於一般群體,情緒失諧組在憂鬱、憤怒與違規行為的得分皆顯著高於一般群體。本研究另建立性別與年級之相應常模。以上研究結果顯示,經中文化的BYI-Ⅱ是一穩定可靠的量表,可作為教育與臨床評估的良好工具。


Recently, BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) has combined the concepts of anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior and self-concept to develop The Beck Youth Inventories of Emotional and Social Impairment which is called BYI. BYI provides school, clinical professionals and special education professionals an easy way to use single scale or whole booklet to measure. Besides, the second edition of BYI, which is called BYI-Ⅱ, not only raised the age of adaptable users to 18, but also got the practical support of its measurement validation. Although BYI-Ⅱ is a convenient and valid measurement tool, but a conscientious edition of Chinese BYI-Ⅱ scale still haven't been translated and a representative Taiwanese norm of BYI-Ⅱ haven't been set up. The purposes of this research are as following: (1) Translate and revise the Chinese phonetic notation BYI-Ⅱ scale and Chinese non-phonetic notation BYI-Ⅱ scale; (2) Build a Taiwanese Chinese BYI-Ⅱ scale norm; (3) Examine reliability and validity of Chinese BYI-Ⅱ. The participants of the research are 2, 961 students from elementary schools and high schools. According to the result, this research not only built the norm of gender and grade, but also created a noticeable achievement of reliability and validation of the scale reveals: (1) the Cronbach's of the scale of depression, anxiety, angry, disruptive behavior and self concept is over .90; test-retest reliability is between .64-.81; (2) the criterion related validity of the five scales are all significant; (3) The confirmatory factor analysis shows that Chinese BYI-Ⅱ is acceptable; (4) the score of special education professionals is 50, which is higher than the average in anxiety, depression, angry and disruptive behavior when we take the special education and clinical professions as contrast groups. On the other hand, among all the clinical samples, self concept of mood disorder group and AD/HD group are significantly lower than the normal groups. The mood disorder group's scores are higher than normal group in anxiety, angry and disruptive behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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