


"Multiple Intelligences Patterns" of High School Students: A Preliminary Exploration




吳道愉(Tao-Yu Wu);吳武典(Wu-Tien Wu)


因素分析 ; 多元智能理論 ; 多元智能組型 ; 多元智能量表 ; CMIDAS-C ; factor analysis ; multiple intelligences patterns ; multiple intelligences theory




57卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


269 - 293




自從Gardner (1983)提出多元智能理論後,即受到學術界與實務界的高度重視。然而,從現實的角度來看,多元智能理論所明確區分的智能,在實際運作時往往出現特定的幾項智能共同影響某類行為表現的狀況。研究者將這種狀況稱之為「多元智能組合類型」(multiple intelligences patterns),簡稱「多元智能組型」(MI patterns)。本研究之目的即在探討不同智能之間的關聯性,並進一步嘗試將不同的智能加以組合,形成不同的「多元智能組型」,以真實反應智能運作的情況。研究者在台灣地區抽取20所高中1, 638名高二學生施測「多元智能量表」(丙式)(CMIDAS-C),再以主成分分析法搭配最優斜交法轉軸,分別進行男、女生的因素分析,分析受試者在九個分量表上的得分類型,找出不同智能之間的關聯性。因素分析的結果發現無論男、女生皆有四種基本的「多元智能組型」,分別是:「事業智能組型」、「科學智能組型」、「藝術智能組型」及「存在智能組型」。這四項「多元智能組型」,是否能夠確實反應出不同群體各項智能運作的真實情況,仍需要持續探討與驗證。


In 1983, Howard Gardner proposed the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI theory), and, immediately, this theory has being attracted a lot of attentions in the field of education and psychology. However, from a practical viewpoint, those ”distinct” intelligences seem to be correlated in some way and, consequently, may result in several patterns. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the relationship between different intelligences and the possible MI patterns. 1, 638 sophomore students from twenty high schools in Taiwan took the Chinese ”Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scale: Form C”. The nine subscale scores were analyzed by means of factor analysis. Four basic MI patterns were identified: the career MI pattern, the science MI pattern, the arts MI pattern, and the existential intelligence (a single pattern). It is concluded that more studies are needed to view the practical implications and empirical evidences of these four MI patterns.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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