The foundation of this research is based on two main stems: Sensory information processing and sensory integration theory. Main aim and objective is to develop a standardized assessment tool and testify theory. Such a tool is expected to provide all users, with expedient and easily understandable final results.
This research was segmented into two phases of serial investigative study: 1. The establishment of an sensory integration function assessment scale; main sample basis includes a total of 126 kindergartens and elementary schools children (demographics: Central Taiwan). Pre-testing rounds were held during this phase, in order to finalize questionnaire content, also to formatting the assessment scale. Traditional item analysis and WINSTEPS analysis were used to analyze data. 2. During this phase, it was intended to identity differentiate validity of the scale, in order to achieve necessary reliability. Questionnaire respondents targeted were children between the age of 3 to 10 years old (demographics: Northern, Central, Southern Taiwan). A total of 1,600 questionnaires were sent out, 80% of which was returned; effective response ratio is 62.5% (with 1,000 effective copies). Test information, exploration and confirmation factor analysis were used to analyze data. Research results obtained are as stated hereunder: 1.Sensory integration functions were investigated from seven different sub-scale, such as: postural movement, bilateral coordination and motor sequencing, sensory discrimination, sensory modulation, sensory seeking, attention and activity level, behavior and emotion, etc. 2. Sensory integration functions have seven sub-scale, a total of 98 test items. There was strong support for firm reliability and validity, as well as possessing realistic applicable value. 3. There were range differentiations detected concerning test information amongst the 7 sub-scale. 4. From analytical perspectives of ”preliminary fit criteria”, fit of internal structure of model”, and ”overall model fit”, research data fit tri-order models of factors structure based on sensory integration functions.
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