


Construction and Study of a Questionnaire for Measuring Attitudes towards Learning Probability




楊凱琳(Kai-Lin Yang)


態度 ; 學習 ; 機率 ; attitudes ; learning ; probability




57卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


485 - 514






Attitude towards learning is one of the most important issues in current education. One important factor influencing a will to learn is students' perception of interest, confidence, value and difficulty of learning tasks. Based on the four constructs, the purpose of this study is to develop an instrument of measuring attitudes towards learning probability and to explore the types of attitudes towards learning probability. After analyzing 134 senior high school students' perception of learning probability, a questionnaire for measuring attitudes towards learning probability was developed and administered to 290 eleventh graders for item analysis in the pilot study. After modifying some items in this questionnaire, 142 tenth graders were selected for item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, and 532 tenth graders were selected for confirmatory factor analysis and reliability estimation. Results revealed that the developed questionnaire of attitudes towards learning probability had satisfactory reliability and validity. This questionnaire could be used to classify students in the same senior high school into three types of attitudes towards learning probability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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