


Teenagers' Development of Self-Esteem in Taiwan: Cross-Lagged Panel Correlation and Hierarchical Linear Growth Model




巫博瀚(Po-Han Wu);陸偉明(Wei-Ming Luh)


自尊 ; 快樂感 ; 固定樣本追蹤研究 ; 性別差異 ; 階層線性模式 ; gender difference ; happiness ; Hierarchical Linear Modeling ; panel study ; self-esteem




57卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


541 - 565






This study investigated the causal mechanism and development of happiness and self-esteem from Grade 7 to Grade 9 by repeated assessment of 2,334 students in 40 junior high schools in Taiwan. Cross-lagged panel correlation analysis showed that happiness played a starting role in the reciprocal relationship between happiness and self-esteem. Then we used hierarchical linear growth model to analyze teenagers' self-esteem varying by time and the effects of gender and happiness on the initial status and the growth rate. Results showed that: (1) The correlation between the initial status and the growth rate of self-esteem was negative; meaning that the lower self-esteem students tended to declined faster than that of the counterparts; (2) The growth rate of self-esteem on Girls declined faster than that of boys; (3) The happiness had effects on the initial status and the growth rate of teenagers' self-esteem, respectively. These findings have important implications for enhancing development of self-esteem and happiness in adolescents. Suggestions for future studies are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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