The main purpose of this study was to establish and examine the diagnostic-space relationships of two new developed indices, the within-ability-concern index (W(superscript *)) and the beyond-ability-surprise index (B(superscript *)). The diagnostic space expanded by the W(superscript *) and B(superscript *) coordinate axes were established after two runs of cluster analyses. Also after the proportions of mean to standard deviation of W(superscript *) and B(superscript *) indices were calculated, respectively, a ratio of the B(superscript *) proportion to the W(superscript *) proportion were calculated again for setting the five aberrant response patterns (manifest W(superscript *), slight W(superscript *), equal-aberrance, slight B(superscript *), manifest B(superscript *)) on the ratio line from left to right. Finally, combining the 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of W(superscript *) and B(superscript *) cutoff scores as the referred points of aberrant response patterns were set for interpreting an empirical data set from the number sense test for elementary school students. Findings showed that (1) high ability students leaned to be classified as the aberrant response clusters of ”slight W(superscript *)” and ”manifest W(superscript *)”; low ability students tended to be clustered as the patterns of ”slight B(superscript *)” and ”manifest B(superscript *)”; as the medium ability students, a distribution of the aberrant response patterns of ”slight W(superscript *)”, ”equal-strength”, and ”slight B(superscript *)” were found; (2) in the empirical comparisons, high-ability-high-difficulty (Hh) students were suited for being clustered into 2 or 4 groups, 3 groups were adequate low-ability-high-difficulty students (Lh), but middle-ability-high-difficulty students (Mh) were suited for all these three groups; (3) it is effective to examine individuals' aberrant response clusters by interpreting the percentiles of W(superscript *) and B(superscript *) cutoff scores. Finally, many suggestions about the classification of aberrant response patterns and the use of the two indices were also provided in text.
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