The purpose of this research is to develop an inventory for measuring the academic optimism of the teachers in elementary schools. Firstly, the establishment of academic emphasis, perceived efficacy and mutual trust after the literature review is the conceptual framework for this research, which can be the basic for developing the measurement items, and through the exploratory factor analysis, the factor structure of teacher academic optimism can be decided. And secondly, 873 teachers from public elementary schools in Taiwan are sampled for data collection and analysis. For the further validation of the appropriateness on measurement model, through comparing the strategy of competing models, after comparing the uncorrelated factors model, correlated factors model and hierarchical model, correlated factors model has been chosen as the measurement model for academic optimism in elementary schools. Then through the verifying methods of the individual item reliability, composite reliability, average variance extracted, convergent validity, discriminant validity and cross-validation, the reliability and validity of the model can be measured. Furthermore, according to the inventory that has been developed, teachers' perceptions on academic optimism can be measured. This result shows that the inventory of teacher academic optimism contains 5 latent factors (academic emphasis, trust on students and parents, trust on the peer teachers, trust on the leader, and teacher efficacy), and the 18 measurement items all together, which has the excellent reliability and validity. In addition, all dimensions of academic optimism had the highly score, and the characteristics of teachers was perceived significantly different from gender, age and position.
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