


Development and Compilation of Taiwan Adolescent Humor Instruments (TAHI)




江宜珍(Yi-Chen Chiang);李蘭(Lee-Lan Yen);吳文琪(Wen-Chi Wu);邱玉蟬(Yu-Chan Chiu);鄭其嘉(Chi-Chia Cheng);盛慧珊(Hui-Shan Sheng)


青少年 ; 幽默 ; 測量工具 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; adolescent ; humor ; measurement instrument ; reliability ; validity




58卷S(2011 / 04 / 01)


179 - 205






The purpose of this study was to develop humor instruments for use in Taiwan adolescents. We analyzed nationally representative data from the Humor project (The concept and style of humor among junior high school students in Taiwan: A study on the effect of humor on personal health) in 2007. The study sample was selected from northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan. Five public schools were randomly selected from each of the four regions and one class was randomly selected from each of the three grades in each school. All students in the selected classes were given the questionnaire and filled them out as a class group. A total of 1,639 students completed the questionnaire. The reliability of the scale was assessed by the internal consistency coefficient. The validity of the scale was assessed by the experts, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and discriminant validity. The internal consistency coefficients for each dimension of the scale ranged from .75 to .93 which indicates good reliability. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the factor structure of each dimension of the scale was similar to the factor structure developed in our preliminary draft. Results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that all dimensions of the scale fitted the data well. Particularly, the value of GFI and AGFI were greater than .94 indicated good validity. We developed a multidimensional humor scales and confirmed that they had good reliability and validity in a nationally representative sample. These scales can be used to measure the sense of humor, the experience of humor expression, and the experience of receiving humor messages in Taiwanese adolescents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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  1. Yu-Jung Lin(林妤容);Xian Li(李賢);Chun-Yang Lee(李均揚);Wen-Chi Wu(吳文琪);Hao-Jan Yang(楊浩然);Yi-Chen Chiang(江宜珍)(2022)。Interaction Effects between Social Network Indicators (In/Out-Degree Centrality) and Humor Expression in the Adolescent Experience of Being Bullied。中華心理衛生學刊。35(4)。347-379。