


The Development of the "Hope Inventory for Graduate Students"




彭月茵(Yueh-Yin Peng);葉玉珠(Yu-Chu Yeh)


希望 ; 動力思考 ; 探索性因素分析 ; 路徑思考 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; agency thinking ; confirmatory factor analysis ; exploratory factor analysis ; hope belief ; pathways thinking




58卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


639 - 664




本研究主要目的在發展「研究生希望信念量表」(Hope Inventory for Graduate Students, HIGS)。本研究提出,HIGS發展有三階段:第一階段是以希望理論為架構,編製開放性問卷,再蒐集國內研究生進行論文撰寫時,其希望信念的相關感受與經驗,並做為編製預試問卷之依據;第二階段採立意取樣,抽取222位研究生為預試樣本,進行探索性因素分析與信度分析,結果共抽取兩個因素:動力思考與路徑思考;總量表之Cronbach's為.88(共16題);第三階段以立意取樣抽取1,028位研究生為正式樣本,進行驗證性因素分析與效標關聯效度分析,結果發現HIGS具有合理之適配與良好之效標關聯效度,且HIGS兩個因素與全量表具有良好的組合信度與平均變異數解釋量。因此,HIGS具有良好之信度與效度。此外,本研究亦探討研究生希望信念的發展與差異現況,研究結果發現,男、女研究生之希望信念並無差異;博士生之希望信念則顯著高於碩士生;而教育學院之研究生的希望信念則顯著高於工學院之研究生。


The main purpose of this study was to develop the ”Hope Inventory for Graduate Students” (HIGS). The development of the HIGS included three stages. First, an open questionnaire based on the hope theory was employed to collect graduate students' hope belief of writing a thesis or a dissertation. Second, 222 participants were included in the pretest to perform exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. Two factors, pathways thinking and agency thinking, were extracted. The Cronbach's of the HIGS was .88 (16 items). Third, 1,028 participants were used to perform confirmatory factor analysis and criterion-related validity. The analyses revealed that the HIGS had good goodness-of-fit and criterion-related validity; moreover, the two factors in the HIGS had good composite reliability and satisfactory average variance. The HIGS therefore has good reliability and validity. The other findings of this study were as follow: (a) there were no significant differences on hope belief between the male and female graduates; (b) students in doctor programs had stronger hope belief than those in master's programs; (c) graduate students in college of education had stronger hope belief than those in college of engineering.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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