


The Hierarchical Multivariate Linear Modeling and Its New Application: Multi-Group Hierarchical Linear Modeling




溫福星(Fur-Hsing Wen)


多群體階層線性模式 ; 恆等性 ; 階層多變項線性模式 ; 階層線性模式 ; 調節效果 ; equivalence ; hierarchical linear modeling ; hierarchical multivariate linear modeling ; moderation ; multi-group hierarchical linear modeling




59卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


157 - 186






The main purpose of this study is to provide a new research method and concept of the hierarchical linear modeling: multiple-samples analysis or MGHLM (multi-group hierarchical linear modeling). In this article, we introduce how to use the HMLM (hierarchical multivariate linear modeling) module of HLM software to analyze the multiple outcome variables in multilevel research and extend it to multiple-group HLM. Through the demonstration of innovation climate, organizational commitment, employees' gender and 3 outcome variables of 664 employees from 24 organizations, we can simultaneously estimate the within-group and between-group correlations among variables and compare their fixed effects. In addition, we separate the sample into male and female groups and use HMLM to do MGHLM and examine the invariance of hierarchical structure models. Finally, we conclude the advantages and limitations of HMLM and MGHLM.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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