


Program Breadth-Depth Characteristic & School-Work Correspondence Characteristic: Moving from Typological Theory to Characteristical Theory




王思峰(Sy-Feng Wang);黃思聞(Szu-Wen Huang)


生涯 ; 社會參與 ; 特徵模式 ; 高等教育 ; career ; characteristic model ; community engagement ; higher education




59卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


277 - 301






In histories, there are two archetypes in higher education: Liberal Art & Science school (LA&S) and Professional school (PROF). In 2000-2005, in order to reflect the public un-satisfaction to higher education, Carnegie Foundation began to add the LA& S-PROF dimension into her classification of institutions of higher education. However, LA&S-PROF type is a rough concept. It not only mixes multiple meaning, but also simplifies the continuous scale into nominal scale. Using the survey data of College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC), the knowledge scale and the database of O*NET, this paper try to propose two department characteristics and their measurement index: ”Program Breadth-Depth Characteristic & School-Work Correspondence Characteristic”. Empirical results show that these two department characteristics have good performance in stability reliability test, convergent validity test, discriminant validity test and criterion-related validity test. Moreover, these two department characteristics have better, stable and meticulous predictive power than LA&S-PROF type at the two kind of criterion variables: job seeking behavior and acceptance rate of graduate program. Implementations for higher education policy and for LA&S school are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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