


Common Method Variance in the Measurement of Teachers' Creative Teaching




蕭佳純(Chia-Chun Hsiao);涂志賢(Chih-Hsien Tu)


共同方法變異 ; 創意教學 ; 構念效度 ; common method variance (CMV) ; construct validity ; creative teaching




59卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


609 - 639






Despite recurring concerns about common method variance (CMV) in survey research, the educational research community remains largely uncertainties of the extent of such potential bias. To address this uncertainty, this research attempts to systematically examine the impact of CMV on the inferences drawn from survey research in the education area. The purpose of this study is to inquire the creative teaching performances of elementary school teachers. Besides, if only one type of survey questionnaire is administered to a single sources of respondents and the questionnaire contains both the antecedents and outcome variables, then it is very likely that this research suffers a methodological problem termed common method variance (CMV). CMV will inadequately inflate the relationship between variables, resulting in an increase of statistical significance. Thus this paper tests the problem by the different resources of questionnaire. We use MTMM and CFA-MTMM analysis. The results indicate that the average amount of trait, method and error variance is 0.7%, 8.3%, and 91% for creative teaching performances. The purpose of this study is to appeal for readers' attention to the CMV problem and to handle it more effectively in future research program. There is room for improvement for our education community to do research without CMV and, eventually, to accumulate our knowledge more accurately. Based on the results, the study also provide some discussions and suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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