


Construction of a Short Form of the CEEC Interest Inventory in Taiwan


區雅倫(Ya-Lun Ou);翁儷禎(Li-Jen Weng);李庚霖(Keng-Lin Lee)


Holland環狀結構 ; 興趣量表 ; 簡版 ; Holland's circumplex model ; interest inventory ; short form




60卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


67 - 96




「大學入學考試中心興趣量表」(簡稱「CEEC興趣量表」)建構於Holland的類型論,題數198題,需時30分鐘,本研究編製此量表之簡版以提高受測者的作答意願。簡版之編製考量題目結構、題型比例、題間相關、因素負荷量等,以2007年受測原版興趣量表的3,362位臺灣高一學生之資料進行分析後,選取126題,並以測驗分數的信度、效度、適合度與環狀結構假設檢視簡版的特性。結果發現簡版分數信度良好,因素結構符合理論預期,其分布與原版相近並有高相關,兩版六型間相關矩陣相似,且二者測出之興趣第一碼相似度高達98%,多向度量尺法(Multidimensional Scaling)、隨機化檢驗(randomization test)支持簡版之環狀結構假設。研究結果顯示,「CEEC興趣量表」簡版分數具有良好的信度與建構效度,與原版特性相似,未來宜探究此簡版在實務應用上之效能。


CEEC Interest Inventory is based on Holland's RIASEC model and consists of 198 items. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the inventory. The purpose of this study is to construct a short form of the CEEC Interest Inventory in order to facilitate the respondent's willingness to complete the test. The construction of this short form considered item structure, item type, inter-item correlation, and factor loading. A sample of 3,362 high school students in Taiwan completed the CEEC Interest Inventory in 2007. Out of the original 198 items, 126 items were selected to form a short form. The psychometric properties of this short form including reliability and construct validity of test scores and the fitting of Holland’s circular hypothesis were examined using the randomization test of hypothesized order relations. Several results were found. First, the short form maintained the original content structure. Second, it shared similar psychometric properties with the original inventory. Third, its scores highly correlated with those of the original form. Fourth, Holland’s model fitted the short form data well and no structural differences were found between the two forms. Finally, The short form of the CEEC Interest Inventory can be considered as a reliable and valid measure of interest among high school students in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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