The purpose of this study is to develop the Teacher Competencies Inventory (TCI), based on Spencer and Spencer's Competence Models and teacher professional standard- based, also integrated focus interview. Secondary school teacher and pre-service teacher as sample, 250 participants are included in the pretest to perform exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. Furthermore, 158 participants are used to test added factor concept, and established formal inventory as 63 items, nine factors which are the teaching planning, teaching transfer, communication and expression, student guidance, teaching evaluation, teacher identify, professional attitude, and human relationship. 1,712 stratification selection participants located in the north, central, south and east part of Taiwan. The results show that: Firstly, the Cronbach's α of the TCI is .97, retest reliability that interval 2 weeks is .80. Secondly, confirmatory factor analysis showed the composite reliability between .87- .90, average variance between .50- .57, and good criterion-related validity. Diversity of norm is developed, included: gender, identity, school attribute, and area. Finally, there are significant differences in the nine factors among the different demographic participants. Suggestions are provided for future research and teacher professional growth.
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