


The Comparison of Two Standard Setting Methods on an English Test


謝名娟(Ming-Chuan Hsieh);謝進昌(Jin-Chang Hsieh);林世華(Sieh-Hwa Lin)


書籤標定法 ; 標準設定 ; Yes/No Angoff ; bookmark method ; standard setting




60卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


519 - 544




本研究之目的在比較書籤標定法與Yes/No Angoff標準設定方法在設定決斷分數上的差異,並使用TASA 2009年英文科來進行比較研究,研究結果顯示,兩種標準設定方法所做出的決斷分數略有不同,標準設定成員們認為,Yes/No Angoff法執行起來較為簡單,最終決定的決斷分數也較符合預期。然而,執行此方法所需要的會議時間較長;書籤標定法執行所需之時間雖然較短,然需要克服的技術層面較多,尤其在面臨題本難度順序與成員心中期望的難度順序不一致時,往往會影響成員放置書籤的決策。最後,本研究建議,雖Yes/No Angoff法執行上比較簡單,但是在時間與人力負荷考量下,若未來想要進行Yes/No Angoff法進行標準設定時,最好能預估兩天的時間,如此才能將題目充分進行討論,然而,對於題目較多的測驗或面臨人力不足的條件下,則較適合使用書籤標定法,並搭配加強標準設定成員訓練作為配套。


This paper presents a comparison on two prevalent method, bookmark and yes/no Angoff method, for setting cut scores on educational assessments. The comparison is presented through an application with a Grade 6 English Assessment in Taiwan. The implementations for each method are described in detail along with comparative results for the application. It is found that the resulting cutoff points from these two methods are somewhat different. Judges regarded that yes/no Angoff method is easier to implement and the resulting cutoff points are more close to their expectation. Comparatively, there are more difficulties need to be solved for the bookmark procedure, especially when the item difficulty order does not follow judges' expectation. It is found that although the implementation of Yes/No Angoff method is simple, the Bookmark method still has some promising features.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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