


To Construct an Effective Instruction Model for University Faculty to Accommodate Social Development Trends: Exploring Double Mediated Effect of Teaching Processes


鄭芬蘭(Fin-Lang Cheng);陳鳳如(Feng-Ru Chen);張景媛(Ching-Yuan Chang)


大學教師 ; 中介效果 ; 有效能教學模式 ; 高等教育 ; 教學歷程 ; effective instructional model ; higher education ; mediated effect ; teaching process ; university faculty




61卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


105 - 133




本研究旨在發展大學教師的有效能教學模式,並分析教學歷程的雙中介效果。本研究採取量化研究設計與結構方程模式之統計分析來分析。受試者來自南臺灣的兩所科技大學405名大學生填答的實證資料,來檢視研究模式。結果顯示,研究模式在界定、違犯估計、Bollen-Stine bootstrap估計法,以及統計檢定力等結果,符合模式的基本統計假定。其次,模式的整體評鑑符合適配標準,故理論模式與觀察實證資料能夠適配。第三,本研究屬於「完全雙中介效果模式」,整體的間接效果以及個別的特定間接效果均達顯著。因此,教學歷程的教學方法與學習評量對於學生的積極學習,具有雙中介效果。簡言之,大學教師的有效能教學模式,獲實證資料支持。另外,對於將社會發展因素融入既有的教學理論而言,也是教育界學者專家需要深耕的任務,持續研議更適用於整體高等教育的教學歷程模式。總之,當代高等教育之技職大學教師,需要整合業界的人才需求、專業教學並輔導學生積極學習,藉以實踐為社會企業培育菁英專業人才的教學使命。


The purpose of this study is twofold: one is to construct an effective instructional model for university faculty, and the other is to analyze the double mediated effect of the teaching process. Quantitative research design, questionnaire survey, and structural equation model (SEM) were employed in this study. Survey responses from 405 college students of two science and technology universities in southern Taiwan were used to verify the teaching model. The results of this study show that the research model conforms to basic statistical hypotheses, including specification, offending estimate, Bollen-Stine bootstrap estimation, and statistical power. In addition, the model’s overall evaluation conforms to fit standards, thus there is fit between the theoretical model and observed empirical data. Therefore, this study is a "complete double mediated effect model." From the analysis of the overall effect values. Also, the indirect effect of the whole and individual specific indirect effect have reached statist ical significance. That is, the teaching process and the teaching assessment have a double mediated effect on the students’ positive learning. In other words, "the effective instructional model for university faculty" is empirically supported. Moreover, educators and experts ought to integrate social development factors into teaching theories and to explore a better and sound teaching model for higher education. Finally, technological university teachers need to integrate the manpower needs of the industry and professional teaching with guiding the students’ active learning in order to put the mission of cultivating professional manpower for the society and corporations into practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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