
Chinese Revision of the “Psychological Well-Being Scale”




林志哲(Chih-Che Lin)


心理幸福感 ; 正向心理學 ; 測量 ; measure ; positive psychology ; psychological well-being




62卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


261 - 277






The main purpose of this study was to establish Chinese version of the Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS) in Taiwan. A total of 154 participants were recruited for the current study and they completed the PWBS, life satisfaction, positive affect, negative affect, self-esteem, and depression questionnaires. Result of confirmatory factor analysis supported the one-factor model of the PWBS with adequate values of various fit indices, revealing that the 8 items of the scale were homogeneous for measuring psychological well-being. In addition, the PWBS had a positive relationship with life satisfaction, positive affect, and self-esteem, and a negative one with negative affect and depression, which supported its construct validity. Furthermore, the PWBS had satisfactory internal consistency and stability, which supported its good reliability. All the findings showed that the PWBS was an adequate short-form measure of psychological well-being in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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