The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of different estimation methods based on a unidimensional three parameter logistic model. Many researches have showed that incorporating student’s background variables such as gender, age, race, and grade level into the estimation process can lead to unbiased and more precise ability estimates. This study was to explore the performance in ability estimation under different estimation methods (expected a-posteriori method, expected a-posteriori method with ancillary variable and plausible value method), and test length (15 and 30 items). In addition, the usefulness of the estimation methods was examined through its application to the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement 2010 eighth-grade mathematics test. The results showed that the performance of the expected a-posteriori method with ancillary variable and plausible value methods are better than that of the expected a-posteriori method when estimating the group means. The plausible value method gets better results than other methods in estimating group standard deviations. The result showed that when the test lengths increased, the estimation accuracy in abilities increased. In the real data experiment, the expected a-posteriori method with ancillary variable and plausible value method have similar result in estimating group means.
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