


Validation and Refinement of Chinese Version of the Motivations for Choosing Teacher Education Scale


張炳煌(Ping-Huang Chang)


師資培育 ; 量表編製 ; 複核效化 ; 選擇動機 ; choice motivation ; cross-validation ; scale construction ; teacher education




64卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


367 - 402




本研究旨在修訂中文版「師資培育學程選擇動機量表」(FEMOLA 量表),並檢視其在臺灣之適用性。FEMOLA 量表係基於期望價值理論,具有良好的信度與效度,考量臺灣師資培育脈絡與當前研究需求,值得加以修訂後供國內相關研究使用。研究參與者取自12 所師資培育大學中等學校師資培育類科之師資生,有效樣本為656 人。本研究將有效樣本隨機分割為建模樣本與驗證樣本兩組,以進行模式建構與複核效化分析。研究結果顯示,本測量模式之整體模式適配度良好,且具區辨效度與聚斂效度,故本量表具有良好的建構效度。各分量表內部一致性係數介於.835至.936,故本量表具有良好的信度。複核效化考驗結果顯示,本量表具有良好的穩定性與效度延展。本研究指出,「師資培育學程選擇動機量表」之模式由7個因素所組成,分別為:「自我能力信念」、「主修科目興趣」、「教育興趣」、「任務難度較低」、「時間效用性」、「經濟效用性」與「社會影響」。此外,本研究結果大致與國外相關研究結果相似,惟經濟效用性因素之重要性較高,呈現出臺灣師資培育的特點。最後,本研究提出討論與後續研究建議,作為結論。


This study aimed to refine the Chinese version of the "Motivation for Choosing Teacher Education Scale" (FEMOLA scale), and to examine its suitability in a Taiwanese context. Based on the expectancy-value model and a novel research approach, the FEMOLA scale offered an integrative theoretical framework to guide the selection and organization of factors that influence the motivation to teach. Participants in this study were 656 students enrolled in teacher education programs for secondary schools at 12 universities in Taiwan. They were randomly divided into two subsamples: a calibration and a validation sample. This study conducted confirmatory factor analysis to examine and replicate the scale structure of the original scale. Furthermore, convergent and discriminant validity coefficients were calculated, demonstrating the scale's sound psychometric properties. A cross-validation approach using measurement invariance procedures across the two subsamples further supported the validity and stability of this scale. Results of this study suggested that an amended seven-construct structure showed better validity than the original factor structure. Thus, seven constructs were identified: educational interest, subject-specific interest, time compatibility utility, financial utility, ability beliefs, low task difficulty, and social influences. Moreover, the scale showed sufficient internal consistency, their Cronbach's α coefficients ranged from .835 to .936. Consistent with prior German studies, this study found that intrinsic factors were generally more influential than were extrinsic factors. However, social influences and financial utility also received high ratings from the Taiwanese students, highlighting the specific features of the Taiwanese teacher education system. Finally, this paper concludes with a discussion of theoretical correspondences and potential applications of the scale.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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