


Competence Disparity of International Chinese Teachers and PCK Questionnaire: From the International Baccalaureate Perspective


蔡雅薰(Ya-Hsun Tsai);洪榮昭(Jon-Chao Hong);余信賢(Xin-Xian Yu)


能力落差 ; 國際文憑 ; 華語教學 ; 學科教學知識 ; Chinese teaching ; competence disparity ; Pedagogical Content Knowledge ; the International Baccalaureate




66卷4期(2019 / 12 / 01)


403 - 428




本研究之目的係針對當前全球教育環境下,釐清國際華語教師所知覺的教學能力素養及能力落差,並編製問卷工具調查教師教學能力素養。以Shulman「學科教學知識」為架構,融入International Baccalaureate國際文憑組織的教學理念與標準,關注在職華語教師已具備的教學能力素養,以及在全球化趨勢下未來國際華語教師所應具備的能力素養之間的能力落差。不同於前人偏重語言本位,本研究透過文獻與專家建議,發展「國際華語教師學科教學知識問卷」作為研究工具,並調查國內外382位教師的教學能力素養與落差程度。研究結果發現:在「教學目的」、「教學方法」、「教學設計」、「教學內容」以及「教學評量」五大構面中,華語教師知覺能力落差程度最大為「教學方法」,最小為「教學內容」。其中,知覺落差感受最大的教學能力分別為「針對學生差異進行不同教學策略」、「適性化教學以符合需求及學習風格」以及「能注意到學習者語言背景的多樣性」。本研究並非單純論述華語教師未來所需的教學能力素養,而是藉由問卷的調查,了解目前全球華語教師的處境與實際教學現場的需求,同時以能力落差之分析凸顯傳統教學方法與當前教學現場的差距。本研究結論有二:一方面為在職教師的教學專業發展提供參考方向,另一方面針對臺灣華語師資培育提出建議。


This study aims at investigating the teaching competencies of Chinese teachers and their competence disparity under the global contexts, and inventing a plausible tool. An IB-PCK questionnaire, established on Shulman's idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and integrated with the teaching philosophy and standards of the International Baccalaureate (IB), was used to investigate the competence disparity perceived by in-service teachers, and to reveal the gap between what has been acquired and equipped in the teacher education, and what is needed in the classroom nowadays. The results of the investigation also provide some suggestions to the improvement of the teacher training for in service teachers. In this study, the IBPCK questionnaire has been designed and delivered through Google Documents, and 382 valid results are received and analyzed. As a result, those Chinese teachers generally perceive the greatest competence disparity in teaching method, while the least in content knowledge. The rest of these domains are teaching objectives, instructional assessment, curriculum design and. Through the discussion of the competence disparity of in-service teachers, not only can we discover the significant distance between what in-service teachers perceived and what they are asked to prepare in Teaching Chinese as Second Language (TCSL) courses. We can also reinforce the curriculum of pre-service teacher education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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