The internationalization of higher education is often one of the key indicators to evaluate the quality of higher education institutions. It includes the connotation of the academic parts, curriculum, teachers, and students, which can be further divided into domestic and abroad internationalization. The present study accessed the databases, "(Higher Education) Course Information website", "Information Platform for College and University Institute Research", "Academic Statistics Database of Ministry of Science and Technology", and "Scopus" to generate four internationalization indicators: "university internationalization environment construction (domestic)", "internationalization of academic environment (domestic)", "international academic exchange (abroad)", and "international academic cooperation and exchange", to explore the current status of internationalization of universities in Taiwan. The structure and validity of this measurement model can be used to support university internationalization related decisions, and the indicators are employed to uncover the internationalization of domestic higher education institutions. The results connote measurement quality in both construct and criterion-related validity. Results show that general universities perform better than all universities of science and technology on all the four indicators, with the public universities performing better than private ones. Besides, the 12 universities in "Aim for Top University Project" perform significantly better than all the other universities. This also witnesses the effectiveness of the "Aim for Top University Project". This study provides a model with four indicators to help explore the status quo of internationalization, and a preliminary probe on the internationalization of domestic higher education institutions. This endeavor seeks to render more robust measurement models along with adequate information required for decision making in higher education institutions with reference to internationalization.
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