


The Development and Research of Traditional Chinese version of the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4-TC)


張益慈(Yi-Tzu Chang);詹雨臻(Yu-Chen Chan);陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen)


自戀 ; 虐待 ; 病態人格 ; 馬基維利主義 ; 暗黑特質 ; dark trait ; Machiavellianism ; narcissism ; psychopathy ; sadism




68卷4期(2021 / 12 / 31)


287 - 316




暗黑四特質係指一組亞臨床範圍的社會厭惡特質,其中包含馬基維利主義、自戀、病態人格及虐待。高暗黑特質者可透過精妙的操控、攻擊或剝削他人以達到自利的目的,在人際關係中不得不慎防。然而,目前國內缺乏對暗黑特質概念的認識,亦缺乏一套可測量個人暗黑特質的正式量表。因此,本研究旨在引進Paulhus、Buckels、Trapnell與Jones(2020)編製的「簡式暗黑四特質量表」(The Short Dark Tetrad, SD4)並進行中文化修訂,發展一套繁體中文版「簡式暗黑四特質量表」(SD4-Traditional Chinese version,SD4-TC)。本研究以方便取樣蒐集資料,先以150位預試樣本項目分析結果進行選題,接著以333位大學生為正式樣本進行信效度分析。研究結果顯示,SD4-TC四因素結構各分量表具有良好的內部一致性(α= .64~.85)、再測信度(rs = .74~.85)與組合信度(CR = .65~.86)。驗證性因素分析結果顯示,SD4-TC具有合理適配的建構效度(RMSEA = .066,SRMR = .08)。以HEXACO性格模式、同理心、道德情意、敵意為效標,發現暗黑四特質具有良好之效標關聯效度,且均與誠實/謙遜性呈現顯著負相關。綜合上述,SD4-TC具有良好的信度與效度,不僅可作為跨文化比較研究之暗黑特質測量工具,亦可應用於教育心理、輔導諮商、職場人際等多樣化領域,或是輔以本土化心理治療工作的應用與本土暗黑特質理論模式的建立,具備多元應用價值。


Dark tetrad is a series of subclinical socially aversive traits, including Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism. Individuals with high dark personality scores are skilled in manipulative, aggressive, or exploitative behaviors to achieve egoistic purposes in social contexts, hence shall be noticed in interpersonal relationships. The present study aims to develop a Traditional Chinese version of the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4-TC) that was originated by Paulhus, Buckels, Trapnell, & Jones (2020). In a pilot test, item analysis and EFA were applied to a reduced 25 item set (N = 150). In formal test (N = 333), results showed a good internal consistency reliabilities (α= .64-.85), test-retest reliabilities (r = .74-.85), and composite reliabilities (CR4 = .65-.86) for a 4 factor construct of the SD4-TC among college students. As for validity, a CFA showed acceptable-to-good model fit and construct validity for a four-factor solution (RMSEA = .066, SRMR = .08, CFI = .86). Taking the HEXACO personality model, empathy, affective morality, and hostility as criterions, results showed that SD4-TC has a good criterion-related validity and a negative correlation with honest- humility. In sum, the four-factor structure of SD4-TC yields good reliabilities and validities among college samples in Taiwan. The development of SD4-TC contributes to both academic and practical values in multiple domains such as educational psychology and counseling, and will in helping local psychotherapy and local theoretical development about dark personalities in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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