


The Development and Research of Traditional Chinese Version of the Acquisitive and Protective Self-Monitoring Scale (APSMS-TC)


張益慈(Yi-Tzu Chang);詹雨臻(Yu-Chen Chan);陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen)


自我監控 ; 幸福感 ; 性格模式 ; 暗黑特質 ; 獲得型-保護型自我監控 ; acquisitive and protective self-monitoring ; dark trait ; personality model ; self-monitoring ; well-being




69卷3期(2022 / 09 / 30)


167 - 196




自我監控在過去被視為單因子測量結構,但近期證據顯示自我監控應為包含兩互相獨立的雙因子結構,並強調納入保護性自我監控的重要性。因此,本研究旨在引進Wilmot等(2017)編製的「獲得型-保護型自我監控量表」(Acquisitive and Protective Self-Monitoring Scale, APSMS),經中文化修訂發展成繁體中文版「獲得型-保護型自我監控量表」(APSMS-Traditional Chinese version, APSMS-TC),並探討獲得型、保護型自我監控與人格特質、主觀幸福感與暗黑特質的關係。本研究以621位國內大學生為樣本進行信效度分析,結果顯示13題的APSMS-TC(含獲得型自我監控6題,保護型自我監控7題)具有良好的內部一致性(α=.77、.67)、組合信度(CR=.77、.67),以及合理的建構效度(RMSEA=.08、SRMR=.06)。獲得型自我監控與開放性、外向性呈正相關,並對生活滿意度、正向情感具正向預測力,且與暗黑特質中的自戀、病態人格與虐待呈正相關。保護型自我監控則與情緒性呈正相關,並對負向情感具正向預測力,對生活滿意度具負向預測力,且與暗黑特質中的馬基維利主義、病態人格與虐待呈正相關。本研究為國內首度引進「獲得型-保護型自我監控量表」,並首次探討自我監控與暗黑特質、主觀幸福感的關係,未來可應用APSMS-TC於職場與人際情境之測量,增進對自我監控與職場人際行為以及心理健康相關性之了解。


The univariate model of self-monitoring has been the predominant paradigm in past research. However, recent findings advocate an alternative bivariate model of self-monitoring, which emphasizes the protective role of self-monitoring. The present study aims to develop a Traditional Chinese version of the Acquisitive and Protective Self-Monitoring Scale (APSMS-TC) originated by Wilmot et al. (2017). Relationships between acquisitive self-monitoring, protective self-monitoring, personalities, subjective well-being, and dark traits are discussed. Results showed good internal consistencies and composite reliabilities for acquisitive and protective self-monitoring subscales (α = .77, .67; CR = .77, .67). A confirmatory factor analysis showed reasonable model fit for a two-factor solution (RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .06). Acquisitive self-monitoring was positively correlated to extraversion and openness, as well as satisfaction with life, and positive affect. Acquisitive self-monitoring also showed positive correlations with narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism. Protective self-monitoring was positively correlated to emotionality and negative affect, and negatively correlated to satisfaction with life. Protective self-monitoring also showed positive correlations with Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism. Metric invariance existed between gender. In sum, the present study is the first study to construct the Traditional Chinese version of the bivariate model of APSMS that yields good reliabilities and validities among college samples in Taiwan. The development of APSMS-TC contributes to both research and practical values in multiple domains such as educational psychology and counseling, personality research and industrial and organizational psychology.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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