


The Development and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of "New Inventory of the Chinese Strengths (NICS)"


賴穎萱(Yin-Shiuan Lai);蔡宇哲(Yu-Che Tsai);廖思涵(Sih-Han Liao);吳相儀(Hsiang-Yi Wu)


信效度 ; 強項 ; 量表 ; character strength ; reliability and validity ; scale




70卷2期(2023 / 06 / 30)


79 - 107






The researchers think out the limit of "Values in Action-Strength of Inventory (VIA-IS)" to develop and construct validity of the "New Inventory of the Chinese Strengths (NICS)". The researchers reviewed preview research, and then conducted item analysis, reliability analysis, and exploratory factor analysis in the pretest in order to select the items of NICS. After that, the researchers used 382 participants to conduct confirmatory factor analysis, criterion-related validity, and reliability analysis. Results indicated that (1) the Cronbach'α s of NICS's subscales were from .70 to .92. (2) As to construct validity, the overall indicators of NICS which consists of three second-order factors (Self, Others, Things) and 12 first-order factors (integrity, person-making, gratitude, persistence, self-regulation, confident optimism, loyalty, forgiveness, love, judgment, creativity, empathy) were mostly up to standard. (3) NICS showed adequate convergent validity with "the Satisfaction with Life Scale" and "the Chinese Version of the Subjective Happiness Scale". (4) To further analyze the age difference, people in their twenties scored higher than people in their thirties on "love" and "loyalty". Based on the above, this scale is a reliable and valid tool, which can be used in related research and practical work in education, psychology and counseling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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