Because of the economic recession always comes with continuous rise in price of oil. Consequently, hedging of oil price has become a crucial issue. Although the GARCH model can capture the time-varying volatility of price, and the ARJI model captures the jump dynamics of price, they are still not good enough to correct fat-tailed property of returns innovation. For this reason, this study employs the GARCH model, ARJI model and GARCH-NoVaS model that accommodate the heavy-tailed returns innovation proposed by Politis (2004) to further examine the hedge performance of WTI crude oil and Brent crude oil, respectively under alternative hedging periods during the Gulf War in 1990. The empirical results show that hedging during high volatility period can reduce variance about 70%~80%. The ARJI model generates superior hedge performance to GARCH model. Moreover, the assumption of GARCH residual in heavy-tail distribution is more appropriate than normal distribution, so that models which accommodate with heavy-tail returns innovation have better hedge performance than traditional return specification.
Overall, this paper suggests using the ARJI model to enhance the hedge performance for investors in WTI crude oil markets, while using the GARCH-NoVaS model to abate investment risk for them in Brent crude oil markets.
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