It has 50 years for Tinbergen and Hendricus (1962) the first one to study international trade flows with an application of gravity model. Our paper is an attempt to use the gravity equation model in international trade to verify the trade relationship between Taiwan and the essential Taiwan's trade partners. In addition, we want to investigate if Taiwan's foreign trade has an asymmetric dependence on China. The paper uses 1988-2010 data of Taiwan and the essential 21 Taiwan's trade partners to form Panel Data and to apply the gravity equation model with the Panel Data Pooled OLS. We find out the empirical results as followings. First, there are the positive and significant relationships between the export (export-import) and the GDP of Taiwan and the Taiwan's trade partners. Secondly, there are the negative and significant relationships between the export (export-import) and the distance. Thirdly, it is more significant that Taiwan's export to China than other countries. Finally, we find out Taiwan's foreign trade has an asymmetric dependence on China.
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