


A Political-economic Analysis with an Application of Gravity Model to Taiwan Cross-strait Trade




盧文吉(W. J. Lu);詹秀蓉(H. J. Chan)


引力模型 ; 兩岸貿易 ; 磁吸效應 ; 不對稱性的依賴 ; Gravity Model ; Cross-strait Trade ; Magnetic Effect ; Asymmetric Dependence




22期(2010 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26




Tinbergen與Hendricus(1962)首先將引力模型應用在國際貿易分析距今已近五十年之久。本文藉以國際貿易的引力模型實證台灣對外貿易以及台海兩岸經貿發展關係,並探討台灣對中國經貿是否有不對稱性的依賴現象。本文利用台灣與台灣主要貿易往來二十一個國家或地區於1988─2010期間資料形成Panel Data,並將引力模型代入Panel Data Pooled OLS求得台灣出口與進出口貿易之實證結果,顯示台灣對外貿易都合乎引力原理之假說:台灣與主要貿易國間之貿易量與台灣GDP、主要貿易國GDP都成正相關;與距離成反相關;對中國出口較其他國家顯著。本文觀察到台灣對中國經貿已有不對稱性的依賴現象。


It has 50 years for Tinbergen and Hendricus (1962) the first one to study international trade flows with an application of gravity model. Our paper is an attempt to use the gravity equation model in international trade to verify the trade relationship between Taiwan and the essential Taiwan's trade partners. In addition, we want to investigate if Taiwan's foreign trade has an asymmetric dependence on China. The paper uses 1988-2010 data of Taiwan and the essential 21 Taiwan's trade partners to form Panel Data and to apply the gravity equation model with the Panel Data Pooled OLS. We find out the empirical results as followings. First, there are the positive and significant relationships between the export (export-import) and the GDP of Taiwan and the Taiwan's trade partners. Secondly, there are the negative and significant relationships between the export (export-import) and the distance. Thirdly, it is more significant that Taiwan's export to China than other countries. Finally, we find out Taiwan's foreign trade has an asymmetric dependence on China.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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