With the separation of ownership and management to the enterprises, there comes agency problem. The shareholding ratios of managers, supervisors and directors will affect corporate performance. For explaining the situations, there are two theoretical hypotheses proposed: convergence of interest hypothesis and entrenchment hypothesis. The hypotheses get much academic and practical attention. This research will also follow the same framework to study the impact from the interaction between the shareholding ratios of managers, supervisors and directors on corporate performance. We proceed to empirical analysis by multiple regression models. No significance are found from shareholding ratios of managers, supervisors and directors on corporate performance. Some references, such as Harris and Raviv(1990), have viewpoints that shareholding ratios of managers, supervisors and directors will influence corporate performance especially through debt ratio. So we add the interaction variables between the shareholding ratio and debt ratio in regression models. Not only are the number of significant variables and coefficient of determination increased, but also are the research results depending on different shareholding groups found. The empirical results of this research are as follows: 1. Only in low shareholding ratios of managers group there is an interaction between the shareholding ratio and debt ratio, shareholding ratios of managers have a significant negative impact on corporate performance. The result is accordance with entrenchment hypothesis. 2. Only in high shareholding ratios of supervisors and directors group, shareholding ratios of supervisors and directors have a significant negative impact on corporate performance. 3. In high shareholding ratios of supervisors and directors group there is an interaction between the shareholding ratio and debt ratio, shareholding ratios have a significant positive impact on corporate performance. Rather than supervisors and directors, shareholding ratios of managers will obtain the same result. The concluding is accordance with convergence of interest hypothesis. 4. In high shareholding ratios of supervisors and directors group, higher shareholding ratios of directors or managers increase will have a significant negative impact on relationship between debt ratio and corporate performance.
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