


The Relationship Analysis between Business Leading Indicators and Exchange Traded Funds–Evidence from Taiwan 50 ETF


林玉彬(Yu-Pin Lin);范鐘升(Chung-Sheng Fan)


寶來台灣卓越50基金 ; 指數股票型基金(ETF) ; 景氣領先指標 ; 線性轉換函數模型multivariate Linear Transfer Function ; Polaris Taiwan Top 50 Tracker Fund ; exchange traded Funds ; leading indicators




26期(2014 / 06 / 01)


53 - 82




本研究主要探討台灣第一個指數股票型基金(Exchange Traded Funds, ETF)「寶來台灣卓越50基金」與領先指標間是否存在著關聯性,本文先以因果關係檢定分析所選取的領先指標其七項組成指標(外銷訂單指數、實質貨幣總計數、股價指數、製造業存貨量指數、工業及服務業加班工時、核發建照面積及北美半導體接單出貨比)是否可作為解釋寶來台灣卓越50基金淨值的解釋變數,再採用時間序列中的多元線性轉換函數模型(multivariate Linear Transfer Function, LTF)分析所選取的結果,作為預估寶來台灣卓越50基金淨值走勢反轉與否的參考依據。實證結果顯示,實質貨幣總計數、核發建照面積及基金自己本身的過去歷史資料在短期間內是可作為參考指標,最後,受到次貸風暴等事件的影響對於原本可作為ETF基金淨值的參考指標的關係影響不大。


This study try to examine whether the relationship between Polaris Taiwan Top 50 Tracker Fund (Taiwan 50 ETF, first Exchange Traded Funds in Taiwan) NAV and Leading Indicators. Composite Index of Taiwan's Leading Indicators is constructed by seven indicators for predicting the business cycle. Seven indicators include Index of Export Orders, Monetary Aggregates, Stock Price Index, Index of Producer's Inventory for Manufacturing, Average Monthly Overtime in Industry and Services, Approved Licenses for Constructing, SEMI Book-to-Bill Ratio. This paper use Granger Causality Test to select indicators and apply multivariate Linear Transfer Function (LTF) to analyze whether them can forecast Polaris Taiwan Top 50 Tracker Fund NAV. The results show that Monetary Aggregates and the preceding information about Polaris Taiwan Top 50 Tracker Fund NAV in a short-run are feasible for a reference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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