


A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the Concept and Function of the "Frame": Including Japanese Verbs of Nuru ("to Paint"), Hakobu ("to Carry"), Oku ("to Place") and Wakasu ("to Boil")




謝豐地正枝(Hsieh Musae Toyochi)


フレームframe ; スクリプトscript ; 理想的認知モテルidealized cognitive model=ICM ; 焦點化焦點化 ; 架想経路conceptual connecting path in space ; frame ; script ; idealized cognitive model ; speaker's intent ; conceptual connecting path in space




13期(2007 / 06 / 01)


27 - 66




本篇主要探討的有兩點。第一點是由動詞所製造的Filmore的frame概念為何,第二點是frame有什麼樣的功能。筆者將從認知語言學的角度來對這兩點進行分析。本篇的分析考察對象為可以對物品產生作用力的動詞。這次將以句子裡有包含「塗ゐ」「運ぷ」「置く」「沸かす」這四個動詞的句子來當範例。確認這四個動詞在不同的句子裡面所各自製作不同的frame後,再利用以下三點來分析frame的概念以及功能。這三點為,(1)根據說話者的視點,會將原本形成frame的構成要素轉化成其他的構成要素,而這樣的轉化表現和frame的概念跟功能有什麼賺的關係。(2)如何去分析解釋構成要素轉化的過程。(3)在分析山動詞所表示的動作行為所衍伸出來的狀態變化或是移動變化情況時,透過分析各個階段的的變化過程。來考察frame的功能。 從結果來看藉由本篇可以歸納出幾個要點,例如動詞所製作的frame從認知的角度上來看,都有將和其動詞所表達的字義有相關的字範疇化以及使其全部活性化的功能。再者,這些在字義上有關聯的字,不論賓際上是否有被言語化,因為已細被活性化了,所以都能用來解釋frame的概念構造。總結來說,本篇將詳敘說明以下三點:(1)解釋分析frame概念。(2)藉由說話者視點的改變,會影響原本frame構成的構成要素,轉變成其他要素,而這個過程跟frame的功能有很大的關連。(3)說話者的視點,會將句子裡而的某個部份焦點化,不單只是說話者所選定想要言語化的動詞所銜接的主語跟目的語能夠被焦點化,透過frame的功能,也有可能讓主語跟目的語之外的副詞,副詞句以及修飾句也被焦點化。言語化。而這兩點便代表frame所包含的多重機能性。


This paper will analyze the concept and function of the ”frame”. a semantic construction which conveys concepts that intend to evoke a specific understanding or reaction. The analysis will provide sample sentences containing selected Japanese verbs-nuru (”to paint”), hakobu (”to carry”). oku (”to place”) and wakasu (”to boil”)-and apply the cognitive linguistic theory of and ”Filmore's Frame Theory” to determine bite following: (1) How construction of the frame differs depending on the message the speaker intends to convey. (2) how to identify the differences based on the placement of the verb, speech nuances and inclusion of surrounding expressions and words, and (3) how to categorize these variances into lexical sets depending on the utilized words and their conceptual relations instead of traditional semantic relations such as hyponymy, meronymy and antonymy. This paper therefore establishes the frame as another approach to Japanese semantic analysis and organization, one outside of traditional grammatical theory which only considers historic semantic relations and sentence components such as the subject and object. Special attention will be made not to conceptual relations, but also the speaker's intent in utilizing specific adverbs, adverb phrases, and modifiers.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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