


The Study of Dazai Osamu Centered on Sekibetsu




黃翠娥(Tsui-O Huang)


太宰治 ; 魯迅 ; 惜別 ; 國策小說 ; 成長小說 ; Dazai Osamu ; Lu Xun ; Regretful Parting Sekibetsu ; wartime propaganda literature ; a bildungsroman story




13期(2007 / 06 / 01)


67 - 95




〈惜別〉是以魯迅前往日本仙台醫學專門學校就讀時的一段青春歲月爲描寫里點。二次大戰末期,太宰治爲了響應日本「內閣情報局」及民間「文學報國會」所提出的大東亞五大原則而應徵入選,到了1945年9月才發表。太宰治除了閱讀魯迅作品及前人之研究外,並且前往仙台做了實際訪查,同時也參考了河北新報社祕藏的珍貴資料。 然而這部作品卻被主流評論界評爲失敗之作,理由在於過多曲解魯迅思想,對於中國文化的理解不夠深入,然而筆者認爲,過度拘泥於與魯迅之實際形象、作品的比較,而諭斷此作不符史實,則有失公允。因爲文中致力於魯迅思想上成長的描繪,而甘冒被指責歪曲事實,而執意創出理想的成長故事,這件工作本身已透露出意義所在。 另外,本作品雖被視爲國策小說,但楚從中可見出太宰治文學的諸多要素,例如,孤獨特性、美學觀點、倫理觀、文學觀,對人的不信任、乞求憐愛、逗笑等特質。因此本作品做爲探討太宰治文學本質來說,確是一部彌足珍貴的作品。 本論文之研究方法爲,試將〈惜別〉內容與魯迅作品及其他先行文獻做一比蛟,探究出其異同,再者與太宰治的其他作品做一比較,從中探究出構成此作的主要部份。


Sekibetsu (”Regretful Parting”) tells the story of Lu Xun as a young student in Tohoku High Medical Institute in Sendai. Japan. Dazai Osamu wrote this wartime novel to respond to the five principles adopted by Cabinet Agency Information Service and the non-governmental organization for the patriotic literati in the Greater East Asia Conference. His work was commissioned near the end of WW11, but not published until September in 1945. Not only did Dazai read Lu Xun's works and previous studies done on Lu, but he also went for a field trip and obtained precious materials from a local newspaper culled ”The Kahoku Shimpo” in Sendai. Despite his hard work, this novel is considered by the mainstream as a failure, He was criticized for his misrepresentation of Lu Xun's thoughts and the lack of in-depth understanding of Chinese culture. However, it is not fair to condemn Sekibetsu as being historically incorrect, if the reasoning is only basest on a rigid comparison of the images of Lu in history and in fiction. The portrayal of Lu and his development in thinking is done carefully in Sekibetsu, Dazai took the chance of being accused of lacking historical accuracy because he tried to create an ideal bildungsroman story. Moreover, although Sekibetsu is considered as wartime propaganda, it still contains all the important elements found in Dazai's works, such as solitude, his perspective on aesthetics, ethics and iterature, his lack of trust in mankind, needs for love, and humor. Accordingly, Sekibetsu is valuable when being evaluated as a study on the literature of Dazai. The methodology is to compare Sekibetsu with Lu Xun's works and references on Lu Xun for the discrepancies. Then, it is followed by a comparison between Sekibetsu and Dazai's works.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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