


The Study on the Proper Use of "youda" and "rashii"-the Case of Comparison with "souda"




黃鴻信(Hung-Hsin Huang)


說話者之自我感受 ; 事態間之關連性 ; 事物之性質 ; 說話者之態度 ; 談話流程之限制 ; intention of a speaker ; relation between phenomenon ; properties of things ; attitude of a speaker




17期(2009 / 06 / 01)


49 - 83




有關標題所列各語詞之使用區別自寺村(1979)發表以來,即引起相當熱烈的討論,不過迄今仍有言所未逮之處。在相關之諸多研究成果中,本研究承繼先行研究之成果,就中尤以野林(1999)和菊池(2000)爲中心,針對標題所列三語詞之語意內容加以探討、論述。 本研究之主要結果可以指出下列幾點:(1)「youda」係說話者或以自己之經驗、或以感覺、或以知識,要之,即是以個人之自我感受爲基礎來攝取事態,並下判斷時所使用,其判斷內容並非即指事態所顯現之事實,而僅止於接近事實;(2)「rashii」係在事態移轉變化的過程裹,說話者以其中所顯現的特徵或某些根據為基礎,自各環節相互間之關連性,推演或導出某一另外之事態或結果時所使用。觀察或推演的過程係專以前後事態相互間之關連性爲主來展開的,其間說話者之經驗、感覺等容或亦產生其作用,但僅屬資助觀察或推演過程進行之一個助力,自結果而言,並不介在其中,無需特別予以突顯、討論,此點與前述(1)之語意特徵迥異,但所推演或導出之事態或結果是否爲真,則有待驗證,這點與前述(1)相同;(3)「souda」係將話題焦點至於事物,表示該事物所具有之性質近似於與用來形容該性質之某一特定語詞所含有之語意特徵時所使用;(4)影響標題各語詞相互間替換之因素有說話者之態度與來自談話流程之限制,後者之影響台灣大學日本語文學系副教授力較諸前者爲大。


The study on the proper use of ”rashii”, ”youda” as well as ”souda” has been widely investigated by various researchers since Teramura's (1979) first publication. Nevertheless, there are still some points need to be further clarified. The major purpose of this article is to rethink and discuss the semantic cores of ”youda” and ”rashii” based on the arguments of Nobayashi (1999) and Kikuchi (2000). The results of this study are as follows: if ”youda” refers to the experience, feeling or knowledge of a speaker, then it means that ”youda” can be used in a situation such as making judgment according to speaker's own intention. However, it does not necessarily mean that the judgment he made completely reflects the reality of a phenomenon, it merely approximates the reality. While a characteristic has manifested itself in the shifting process of a phenomenon, ”rashii” is used in such a situation where results have been observed. As for the process of observation or inference, it is extended based on the relation between phenomenons. A speaker's experience or feeling may be involved in the process, but as it is not especially noticed. As a result, it can be said that the intervention of a speaker can be ignored in this case. ”rashii” and ”youda” differs in the way as indicated above, but they are common in one point that whether the observed phenomenon or result is true or not remains uncertain. ”souda” is used to show the semantic characteristics of certain expression that describe the properties of things. Speaker's attitude and the flow of speaking are the factors that influence the interchangeability of the group of ”rashii”, ”youda” and ”souda”. it seems that ”souda” is more dominant than the former two.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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