


The Popularization of Zhu Shun-Shui's Confucianism Thinking on Kaga-han




徐興慶(Shing-Ching Shyu)


加賀藩 ; 儒教思想 ; 朱舜水 ; 前田綱紀 ; 木下順庵 ; Kaga-han ; Confucianism Thinking ; Zhu Shun-Shui ; Maeda Tunanori ; Kinoshita Jyunan




18期(2009 / 12 / 01)


159 - 185




本文旨在考察德川初期朱舜水(1600-1682)於加賀藩名君、第五代藩主前田綱紀(1643-1724)以及同爲加賀藩學者之木下順庵(1621-1698)、奧村庸禮(1627-1687)、五十川剛伯(?-1699)等人推展儒教發展的過程中所作的貢獻,並檢討其與加賀藩「誠、敬、禮、學、行」等儒教體制形成之關係。 前田綱紀的母親大姬(清泰院,1627-1656)是水戶藩首代藩主德川賴房(1603-1661)的女兒,基於這層關係,加賀藩的儒教發展深受水戶藩的影響。前田綱紀頻頻派遣奧村庸禮、五十川剛伯等學者至水戶藩受教於朱舜水,並與朱舜水有書信的往來。朱舜水去世後,前田綱紀隨即命五十川剛伯完成日本最初之朱舜水全集『明朱徵君集』(十卷,通稱加賀本)的編纂。至今加賀藩(現石川縣立美術館)及關西大學圖書館的貴重書庫,仍保存著許多前田綱紀與朱舜水相關之漢籍文獻史料。 朱舜水主張「君是天子,忠於天子」,認爲忠孝節義是皇統史觀的基本核心,而長年致力於「大義名分」的思想普及。前田綱紀曾聘請御用繪師狩野探幽(1602-1674)爲南北朝時代的武將楠木正成(1294-1336)父子繪製「櫻井驛訣別圖」,並透過木下順庵敦請朱舜水撰寫「楠公父子決別圖贊」。爾後,這成爲德川光圀(1628-1701)編纂『大日本史』的重要精神所在,而楠木正成亦成爲水戶學者崇敬的尊皇家。因此,本文之另一焦點,即在於探討朱舜水命名取字的思想主張所帶給加賀藩儒家政治思想的影響。


This study intends to investigate the contributions made by Thu Shun-Shui (1600-1682) in the early Edo Period during the process of the development of Confucianism promoted by the famous Kaga-han monarch Macu Tunanori (1643-1724) who was the fifth Han-Su, as well as Kinoshita Jyunan (1621-1698), Okumura Yasunori (1627-1687), and Isogawa Kouhaku (?-1699) et al who were Kaga-han scholars, and to explore their relation with the formation of the Confucianism system ”Honesty, Respect, Courtesy, Learning, and Practice” in Kaga-han. Maeda Tunanori's mother, the impenal concubine (Seitaiin 1627-1656), was the daughter of Tokugawa Yorifusa who was the first Han-Su of Mito-han (1603-1661). Based on such relationship, the development of Confucianism in Kaga-han was deeply influenced by Mito-han. Maeda Tunanori frequently dispatched the scholars such as Okumura Yasunori, Isogawa Kouhaku, etc. to Mito-han to receive Thu Shun-Shui's teaching, and he also corresponded with Zhu Shun-Shui. After Thu Shun-Shui passed away, Maeda Tunanori immediately ordered Isogawa Kouhaku to complete the first compilation of Thu Shun-Shui Quan Si ”Collection of Ming Zhu Zheng Sun” in Japan (Ten scrolls, commonly called ”Kaga Version”) Up to now, many Chinese classics as well as literatures and historical resources related to Maeda Tunanori and Zhu Shun-Shui are still preserved in the precious stacks in Kaga-han (now Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art) and Kansai University Library. Zhu Shun-Shui maintained that ”The monarch is the Son of Heaven, and we should be loyal to the Son of Heaven”. He thought that ”loyalty, piety, integrity, and righteousness” comprise the basic core of the imperial line's historical scholarship, and he endeavored to popularize the thinking of ”Righteous Cause” all the year round. Maeda Tunanori had once engaged his personal painter Tanyu Kano (1602-1674) for painting the ”Picture of Parting at Sakurai Station” for the martial general Kasunoki Masashige (1294-1336) and his child in the Southern and Northern Dynasty. Also, through Kinoshita Jyunan, he earnestly invited Zhu Shun-Shui to write the ”Comment for the Picture of General Kasunoki and his Child at Parting” that became the important essence of ”the History of Great Japan” compiled by Tokugawa Mitsukuni later. Hence, Kasunoki Masashige also became the sonno practitioner adored by Mito scholars. Therefore, another focus in this article lies in exploring the influence on the Kaga-han Confucianism's political thinking caused by Zhu Shun-Shui's maintenance of the thinking of denomination and title selection.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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