Sakusi Sikoku (《作詩志彀》), a collection of Han Poetry in Edo era, which was written by Kitayama Hokuzan (1752-1812) as a pupil of Inoue Kinga (1732-1784) belonging to Compromise school, started to get rid of the influence of the classical school, and formally to unfold a new style, opening a trend in criticizing fake Tang poetry and Song poetry. As for the transformation in Kyoto and Osaka poem society, the public think that it was started from 詩僧六如上人慈周 (1734-1801) who began to actively assimilate the poetry in Southern Song Dynasty. The best proof is the publication of Katsugensiwa (《葛原詩話》). Definitely, the young generation of poets such as Katsusikin, Kantyazan, and so on, were influenced and inspired by 六如 on creating poems and poetry criticism. However, being able to defeat revered Tang poetry and turn to accept Song poetry should be related to the transformation of values of the history of Confucianism. The change from Compromise school to the pure and fresh style was mentioned now and then, but not investigated and studied deeply. This thesis plans to analyze and make a thorough inquiry from the first-hand documents including Gakumonhgenryu (《學問源流》) , Kanzinhitsudanroku (《韓人筆談錄》) written by Nabarodo, about the connection between Confucianism and poetry of his brother Okuda Mototsugu's and his pupils Nisiyama Sessai's, (1735-1798), Hatakeyama Kansai's (1752-1801), Kantyazan's (1748-1827) works. This thesis can also clarify the contribution and importance of Nabarodo to the late Edo era, who was an attendant and loved Lu You's poetry enthusiastically.