


The Old Hags' Sexual Fantasies in Enchi Fumiko's "Enchantress" and "Wandering Spirit"




陳美瑤(Mei-Yao Chen)


円地文子 ; ファンタジー ; ジェンダー ; 老い ; 「妖」 ; 「遊魂」 ; Enchi Fumiko ; fantasy ; gender ; aging ; "Enchantress" ; "Wandering Spirit"




24期(2012 / 12 / 01)


101 - 128






As several postmodernists point out, the body is seen as the product of complex social arrangements and processes; the body serves as a container and expression of the self, as the object of social and cultural control, and as a repository of shifting gender, sexual, aging and class categories. Therefore, the female body which has been objectified by the voyeuristic gaze of men has long been manipulated by various power structures. However, when a woman aged and no longer an object of man's gaze, what would have become of her in terms of identity and self-esteem? What kind of pressure or discrimination in society would she have to put up with?In this research I will present a gender perspective to reexamine the fantastic worlds created by Enchi Fumiko in order to manifest how the writer has tactically manipulated the traditional yet wild images of old hags, such as miko, to distinctly articulate the old women's desire of sexuality. This research will not only investigate how Enchi has parodied the patriarchal system from the post-modernist perspective, but also provide an in-depth literary analysis of Enchi's works which are explicitly attempted with sexual political intension.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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