


The Relationship between Beliefs and Learning Strategies toward the Acquisition Demonstratives: The Comparison between JSL and JFL




孫愛維(Ay-Wei Sun)


指示詞の習得 ; 信念 ; 学習ストラテジー ; 学習環境 ; 台湾人の日本語学習者 ; the acquisition of demonstratives ; beliefs ; learning strategies ; learning environment ; Taiwanese learners




24期(2012 / 12 / 01)


149 - 173






This study was concentrated on the relation between beliefs and learning strategies about the acquisition of demonstratives by investigating 97 JSL students and 189 JFL students. As a result, ”the self-effect of learning”, ”the desire of learning”, ”the confirmation of learning grammar knowledge”, ”the difficulty of learning”, and ”the confirmation of natural acquisition” were extracted. Moreover, when the influence of learning environment on beliefs was discussed, JSL students felt more ”the self-effect of learning”, ”the desire of learning” and ”the confirmation of natural acquisition”. On the other hand, JFL students felt more ”the confirmation of learning grammar knowledge” and ”the difficulty of learning”. As for the relationship between beliefs and learning strategies, the beliefs of ”the self-effect of learning”, ”the desire of learning” and ”the confirmation of learning grammar knowledge” had a positive correlation with learning strategies, while ”the difficulty of learning” had a negative correlation with learning strategies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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