Chu Shun-shui had been lecturing in Edo and Mito, Japan for 17 years(1666-1682). One of the four key principles which he suggested to Tokugawa Mitsukuni for governing is to establish ”the educational system of the great learning.”Chu Shun-shui considers the construction of ”Seidō (Confucian temple)”the most significant element of the educational system of the great learning. Stressing on the perspective of interexchange of thoughts, this article will analysis the spread of the teachings such as: a) gentry and benevolent government; b) to honor filial piety and friendship, to be honest, to be discreet in speech and action; c) to acquire the true essence of the studies by heart, d) to be earnest in what he is doing, and careful in his speech, e) to have self-respect, and f) the rite and ceremony of worshiping Confucius; moreover, the context of cross-cultural transplant in Chu Shun-shui's ”Zan[Eulogy] of Confucius,” ”Zan of the Sacred Statue,” Xuegon [Confucian temple] Tushuo, and ”On School,” in order to give a further discourse on Chu's image of Confucius and its impact on the culture and society of the Tokukawa Era.