To understand the academic help-seeking of Japanese majors in Taiwan and investigate the relationship among ”goal orientation,” ”self-regulated learning” and ”academic help-seeking,” this research takes Japanese majors from 12 Taiwan colleges as research objects, designs questionnaires and uses the analysis program, SPSS PC, to analyze and verify the relationship.1. Academic help-seeking: Through factor analysis, 18 items are divided into 3 factors: autonomic, mastery-approach and dependent help-seeking.2. Goal orientation: Through factor analysis, 20 items are divided into 2 factors: learning goal and performance goal. Goal orientation affects choices of academic help-seeking.3. Self-regulated learning: Through factor analysis, 20 items are divided into 3 factors: effort and persistence, meta-cognitive strategy and cognitive strategy. It is demonstrated that the learners who apply ”effort and persistence” and ”meta-cognitive strategy” tend to have ”autonomic” and ”mastery-approach” academic help-seeking.
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野崎秀正、Harju, Beberly、神山貴彌、加藤佳子、森野美央(2007)。達成目標志向の日米比較研究(4)─達成目標志向と学業的援助要請の関連─。日本教育心理学会総会