『源氏物語』第17巻「絵合」中敘述『竹取物語』為物語之始祖。因此,後繼作品的對此作之暗示引用也特別受到重視。但在『竹取物語』作品中,關於「竹」的話題,除了對老翁的稱呼外,在赫映姫的命名之後,只在老翁對車持皇子的詠歌中出現之後便斷絕,而作品後半的話題重點則轉移到「月」。而在文學史上的後續作品中,『大和物語』第36段與第77段各有『竹取物語』的暗示引用表現。前者在「藤原兼輔」對「柔子内親王」的獻歌中以「竹」為主題,後者則是第77段對「孚子内親王」與「源嘉種」交情的描述以「月」為主題。就像之前所敘述的,『竹取物語」中「竹」為前半的重要要素,而「月」則是後半段的重要要素。也就是說,『大和物語』藉由分離並暗示引用『竹取物語』的重要要素,而賦予二位内親王個別的獨特性。|"The Tale of Taketori" is described as an ancestor of a story in the chapter 17 of "Eawase" in "the Tale of Genji". Therefore the power of allusion to the following work has been emphasized in particular. By the way when princess's naming that excludes waka (; 31-syllable Japanese poem) to "Kuramochi prince" by "Taketori no okina except for old man (; Taketori no okina)'s name, a topic about "bamboo" has not ceased any more in whole work of "the Tale of Taketori". and a topic about "the moon" will be esteemed in the second half in the work Now, there are "the Tales of Yamato" in a following work in a history of literature, but there is an expression which seems each "the Tale of Taketori" allusion in the chapter 36 and chapter 77. "Bamboo" is a theme in former present of "Fujiwara no Kanesuke" to "Juushi princess", but "the moon is a theme by chapter 77 I tell about friendship of the other "fushi princess" and "Minamoto no Yoshitane" "Bamboo" is an important element in the first half in "the Tale of Taketoti" like above mention, and "the moon" will be an important element in the second half in other words, "the Tales of Yamato" endow two princesses with each originality by separating and allusing an important element of "the Tale of Taketori".